
13 to 29 November

Meetings of reflection and action



No need to register/subscribe

PART III: 27, 28 and 29 nov

Theatre of Justice

Free online event

Creations by the collectives Identidad Marrón (Argentina) and Escena Política (Argentina), in dialogue with guest artists Lucrecia Martel (Argentina), César González (Argentina) and Kadiatou Diallo (South Africa / Switzerland).  

This will be our last meeting of the first edition of RAZA & FICCIÓN and it will be held by the collectives Identidad Marrón & Escena Política , which, after a process of 3 months of work, will exhibit a series of videos designed and set in the environment conformed by the Colón Theater, Presidente Roca Primary School and the National Palace of Justice, in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. 

These collective creations appeal to different types of registers and genres: documentary, television, fiction, performance, intervention, to expose the racist story that these buildings, streets, names, and history enunciate, and about which apparently we have nothing to ask ourselves.

Everybody will be welcome to this open, public and free anti-racist artistic exploration.

Listening rounds (Optional)

The piece "Justice must be invented" can also be heard in collective listening rounds in public spaces located in different cities and towns of the country and the region.

You can join a live listening round in these cities: Ingeniero Huergo (Rio Negro, Arg), Fiske Menuco (Gral Roca, Rio Negro, Arg), Neuquén Capital (Neuquén , Arg), Junin de los Andes (Neuquén, Arg), Niebla (Valdivia, Región de los ríos, Chile),  Mar del Plata  (Buenos Aires, Arg), Parque Ameghino (CABA, Arg), Bahía Blanca (Buenos Aires, Arg).

Friday 13 NOV 19h Premiere

Please bring a mobile phone with headphones and enough mobile data. Someone from the meeting will wait for you, and walk you to the round.

At the end of the listening, we will give a fanzine made by Soraya Maicoño and Dani
Zelko to those who come to listen.

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In a global context where the concepts of race and colonialism, and the relations that they propose to the interior of societies are put into question, we put the magnifying glass on the way in which they operate within the cultural field of Argentine society. From this urgent standpoint emerges a reflective and performative device that enables exchange between artists and thinkers from different territories emerges, addressing -with local productions- global problems and possible future ways of relating to each other.

These meetings are creative exchanges between collectives and individuals, thinkers and artists, thoughts and practices. In this flow of materials, we investigate the forms in which racism and the fictions it sustains are intertwined in the present, the past and the future. These meetings will revolve around the questions that this urgent raising of awareness opens up.

These meetings will revolve around the questions that this urgent awareness opens up (Participate with your answer Here, only in Spanish)



It is an organization dedicated to the visibility, struggle and approach of public policies regarding structural racism in Argentina. The group was born with the aim of making racism towards people of indigenous descent - brown- visible from intersectionality and articulating interpersonal, institutional and cultural dimensions, with aspirations for real changes at a structural level, public policies and the full exercise of rights. From an ant-racist approach, it seeks to create senses of brown identity with an agenda in various fields such as cultural management, law, communication, arts, cinema, social and political sciences.

Escena Política

We are a group of performing artists from the City of Buenos Aires, an open space, without hierarchies or fixed roles. In 2015 we began to carry out actions to question and make visible dark areas of politics and the cultural production of the city. We call these actions "Iceberg” . During 2016 we held the Escena Política Transversal Congress. A space and time for collective meeting, cooperation and complicity, where we created other possibilities to perceive, think and experience our own political practices and artistic creation. The cultural emergency has been setting an agenda of resistance, and after four years of Macrism (Macri was the president at the time), Escena Política comes together again in 2020 in the midst of a pandemic. This time, together with other collectives, artists and academics, we are working in relation to the structural racism that runs through Argentina.

San Isidro, Buenos Aires. Argentina

Graphic Designer (UBA) and Filmmaker (FUC – Universidad del Cine). Web Developer, 2D Animator. PC technician and ex backpacker.

She is part of “Identidad Marrón”, a group that emphasizes the racism that brown people suffer in Argentina.

As an indigenous* descendent she is currently working on 2 audiovisual essays “Episodios Marrones, vol.1” and “La Felicidad de Florencia y Beatriz” where she denotes* the construction of structural racism in Argentina as well as the lack of rights that house-keepers suffer.

Visual arts teacher and social manager. A member of Brown Identity

collective. Teacher in schools and popular educator in sociocultural programs that work in shantytowns and poor neighborhoods. She specializes in access to the educational system.

America´s production is inspired by her social activism and her career as an educator. Her work, in which multiple views converge, is constantly traversed by a feminist and anti-racist perspective

Lawyer (UNT), Specialist in Computer Law (UBA), Master in Migration Law and International Migration Policies (UnTREF)

Graduated from the Update Program on Global Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing and from the In-Depth Consumer Law Program (UBA). 

Legal advisor in the Association of Meretrices Women of Argentina (Ammar), Legal member of Lawyers for Sexual Rights (Abosex), Cultural Lawyers , Association of lawyers for indigenous rights (AADI), Lawyers for IDENTIDAD MARRÓN (Brown Identity Anti-racist Collective) and consultant to the Advisory Council of the Ministry of Women, Gender and Diversity.

Filmmaker, writer, visual artist.

He was in different prisons between his 16 and 21 years of age for crimes related to theft. While being behind bars, he finished high school and enrolled in Philosophy studies. Once outside, he continued his Philosophy studies for a while at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), but would quickly drop out and devote himself fully to the study of history and filmmaking technique. At the same time, he would dedicate himself to the production of a literary magazine called ¿Todo Piola?, which began during his stay in prison with Patricio Montesano, a teacher who offered workshops there. The magazine would run between 2008 and 2012. As a writer he published 3 books of poetry; “The Revenge of the Tied Lamb” (2010), “Chronicle of a conditional freedom” (2012), and “Rhetoric to the sigh of complaint” (2014). He has collaborated and written columns in different graphic and digital media. Besides being the scriptwriter, director, producer and editor of his films, he works as a visual artist and music producer.  

Salta, Argentina.

Lucrecia Martel premiered her debut feature film LA CIÉNAGA (The Swamp) in 2001, followed by LA NIÑA SANTA (The Holy Girl) in 2004 and LA MUJER SIN CABEZA (The Headless Woman) in 2008.

Her fourth feature, ZAMA (2017), an exploration of colonialism and racism in Latin America, had its premiere in the Venice International Film Festival.

Retrospectives of her work have screened at many art and cultural institutions such as Harvard, MoMA, Lincoln Center, Cambridge and London’s Tate Museum, together with a series of masterclasses about sound and narrative that the filmmaker offered around the world.
In parallel, Martel has also shown an interest in other artistic languages outside cinema. Her latest collaboration was with Björk, taking on the direction of her concert CORNUCOPIA at The Shed, acknowledged as the most sophisticated show given by the Icelandic artist to date.

Freelance curator, facilitator and cultural practitioner living between Basel and Cape Town. She is the co-director of SPARCK, a space for pan-African research, creation and knowledge, and producer of the podcast “Artists on Africa”. Her main interest is to understand decolonization through artistic practice. Beyond her curatorial and collaborative projects, Kadiatou currently works as an Associate Professor and Researcher of the Aesthetics from the Margins project at the Center for African Studies at the University of Basel Switzerland and as a member of the Faculty en édhéa (design school and secondary school of arts) in Sierre.

PARTE II: 20, 21 y 22 nov

El colonialismo como educación sentimental


Creaciones del Colectivo Escena Política (Argentina) en diálogo con Sach’a Sawila (Bolivia) Sally Schoenfeldt (Australia/Suiza) y Carlos Masotta (Argentina)

Escena Política comparte su proceso de investigación y creación, desde la pregunta por el racismo en nuestra travesía hacia el río. Un recorrido que se emprende entre encuentros físicos, clandestinos, virtuales, y encuentros oníricos, epistolares, de espiritualidades inventadas.

Un viaje por la educación sentimental colonial, las ficciones del proyecto moderno blanco y sus monumentos pija, los actos escolares, los mapas, el Estado Nacional y sus espantos, la propiedad de la tierra, el monumento a Colón, los descabezados, los diálogos con Sach´a Sawila, Carlos Masotta, Sally Schonfeldt en Buenos Aires, Florencia, Amsterdam, Zurich, hace 1000 años, hoy, el futuro. 

Un intento colectivo de desmontaje de blancuras, el cultivo de un jardín decolonial, un ritual de devolución, un viaje al río.


Free online event

During November PLANTA invites you with free access to be part of these meetings of reflection and action created by artists, activists, thinkers and collectives, tackling the multiple forms that racism takes in Argentina.

Practices, talks, premieres of video material and meetings coordinated by the collectives Identidad Marrón and Escena Política in dialogue with Soraya Maicoño, Dani Zelko, Lucrecia Martel, Carlos Masotta, Cesar Gonzalez, Sach’a Sawila (Bolivia), Brandy Butler (USA/Switzerland), Sally Schonfeldt (Australia/Switzerland) and Kadiatou Diallo (South Africa/Switzerland).


  • Video Editing Team: Manoel Hayne and Tomás Guiñazú
  • Still photo: Nacho Yuchark
  • Translations: Marina Tampini and collaborators
  • Webmaster: Alexis Paredes
  • Technical operators: r3nder Blas Lamagni
  • Subtitles: Fixie Films
  • Guest groups: Identidad Marrón; Escena Política
  • Curators and general production: Elisa Carricajo, Melina Seldes and Juan Onofri Barbato
  • Financed by COINCIDENCIA Program – Pro HelvetiaProduced by PLANTA transversal research and creation


Are in this action:

Alejandro Mamaní, América Canela, Valeria Liz, Florencia Mamaní, Euge Choque, Bby Wacha, Soledad Apaza M., Melisa Yaleva.



Ariel Lutzker, Celia Arguello, Silvio Lang, Florencia Vecino, Amparo González Solá, Diego Echegoyen, Jimena Pérez Salerno, Diana Szeinblum, Nahuel Cano, Alina Marinelli, Bárbara Hang, Cecilia Blanco, Manuela Fraguas, Margarita Molfino, Martín Tchira, Laura Kalauz, Elisa Carricajo, Melina Seldes and Juan Onofri Barbato.


 (Argentina, 1981)

Is a performing artist, researcher and teacher.

She shares her work and is involved in various artistic projects in renowned spaces and institutions in Latin America and Europe. She works as an artist’s coach and supervises research projects. Creator of the international
program El interprete_El Performer. Currently El Intérprete and La Ilusionista (her latest creation) are touring the national scene. She directs CILEM Research Center . In Europe, she is a member of Fingersix and IDOCDE network, as well as collaborates with the Swiss performance company piccoliproduction since 2009 and for the Scottish dance-maker Angus Balbernie; in Argentina she participates in the organization ESCENA (SCENE) and the Dance Emergency Front. In Buenos Aires she is a member of the programming team of the independent-space Planta. She graduated from ArtEZ University, NL (BA in Dance-2005) and University of London, Royal Holloway (MA in Physical Theatre-2007).


(Argentina 1983)

Researcher in audiovisual and performative arts.

Director of the works FYZ, Tualet, Ocupaciones Breves, Pack, Todo Junto, Los trompos, Caravana,
Tridente, Los Posibles and Duramadre. The last two were created with KM29 Group. He worked as a choreographer in films by Santiago Miter, Benjamin Naishtat, and Lisandro Alonso. Together with Elisa Carricajo, he directs PLANTA space in Buenos Aires.


(Argentina , 1978).

Plata. Since 2003, she is a member of the theatrical group “Piel de Lava” with which she made the works “Colores Verdaderos”, “Neblina”, “Tren”, “Museo” and
“Petróleo”, performing in all of them as an actress, playwright and co- director. With this same group,
she starred in and co- produced the film “La Flor” by Mariano Llinás together with Pampero-Cine. In
theater she worked as an actress with Rafael Spregelburd , Javier Daulte , Mariano Pensotti ,
Santiago Gobernori , Mariana Chaud , Leandro Arecco and Agustina Muñoz, among others . As a playwright and director she premiered two plays “2035” and “2040”. Together with Lisandro Rodríguez she created the diptych “A Job” and “Another Job”. She did various works as an actress in cinema, among them: “Un crimen Comùn ” by Francisco Márquez, “Viola” and “La Princesa de Francia” by Matias Piñeiro, “Las insoladas” by Gustavo Taretto and “Cetáceos” by Florencia Percia . She studied Communications at UBA. She co-directs, together with Juan Onofri Barbato, Planta,
Transversal Research and Creation Space.

Diseñar e imaginar

Con gran entusiasmo lanzamos esta segunda edición creada por músicxs, artistas e investigadorxs sonoros. Esta vez, nos organizan los conceptos de ENTORNO y RESONANCIAS para diseñar e imaginar las prácticas de estas 5 audioguías conducidas únicamente por las voces, sonidos y músicas de lxs invitadxs.

En el marco de esta situación

sanitaria/cultural/social/económica que afecta de manera TOTAL la actividad de los espacios escénicos, nos proponemos sostener este intercambio desde PLANTA como respuesta a una necesidad vital de seguir construyendo una comunidad sensible aún en un contexto de aislamiento. 



transversal research and creation.

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